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 Working with Norf 

Why Join Norf?


Norf Casting is run by two ex assistant directors. We know what makes a good supporting artist both in terms of skills and personality. We have the rare perspective of booking artists as an AD and as an agent so we know how important it is to get to know our artists. This is why we run our agency with a more personal touch, it helps us get to know what you are about and what you are capable of and it also helps inspire us to work harder to find you opportunities.

One of the things we hear from our members all the time is 'I don't know when you get time to sleep'. We work our socks off for our artists because they work their socks of for us. 

Plus it costs noting to join Norf as we work entirely on a commission basis (More info Below). We do not charge a 'book fee' like some agencies. We have in the past but we have decided to get rid of it in light of the COVID-19 pandemic.

If your mind is made up you can Join Here.



Norf Casting charges a flat 20% commission on all jobs. All commissions are subject to any applicable VAT.

Not like all POP based agents.


Many of the agents on the pop platform only have access to the POP community to cast from. Norf was a fully functional agency before we decided to use the POP platform and we operate on the platform with our own book of artists so if you join Norf you will get a Norf profile and will not automatically be entered into the pop community. Only our agency can see your profile.

The benefits of signing up directly with Norf is that we prioritise offering opportunities to our main book before we search the wider community.

In good company


Norf Casting primarily focuses on HETV dramas and has supplied artists to some of the biggest shows in the UK with extras and Walkons. We are very lucky to be working with these productions but it would not be possible if we didn't have a book of fantastic, reliable and professional artists. If you join Norf you will be joining a book of some of the best supporting artists in the industry, the community is strong on set amongst Norf members and they are always keen to offer advice to those less experienced.


© Copyright Norf Casting Ltd

Norf Casting Ltd, Colony, 5 Piccadilly Place, Manchester, M1 3BR

T: 0161 327 4155     M: 07539 064 788/07988 371 722     E:

Company Number: 11089497

VAT Registration Number: 350 9308 07

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